2007年9月26日 星期三

Sep 25, 2007 - Revise Practice: Old & New Information

When Reagan assumed the office of the presidency, the two aims in his mind are the recovery of the American economy and the modernization of America into a military power. About the first one, Reagan testify to his success by the increase in the GNP and the drop in unemployment figures and inflation. However, he did less success with the second one for the increased involvement in international conflict without any clear set of political goals. Nevertheless, vast increases in the military budget and a good deal of saber rattling pleased the American voter.

In this report, we will highlight the various components of Telco's current profitability, particularly growth in Asian markets, to demonstrate its advantages versus competitors. The basis for this new analysis will be on revenue returns along several dimensions-- product type, end-use, distribution channels, distribution type, etc. According to our projections, likely growth prospects of Telco's newest product lines will depend mostly on its ability in regard to the development of distribution channels in China; besides, a range of innovative strategies will be needed to support the introduction of new products as well.

According to a senior Bush administration official, the focus of this report, which might be completed within two weeks, would be Saddam Hussein's capability and intention to develop WMD. Commenting on an interim report by David Kay, a former UN weapons inspector leading the 1,200-member Iraq Survey Group of investigators, the officials said that searching for WMD had not yielded actual weapons, but the US is stepping up efforts to find evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction by offering former mid-level scientists immunity from prosecution..
