2007年10月2日 星期二

Oct 2, 2007 - Effective Thesis Statements Practice

1. In this article, it will examine the negative environmental effects of commercial development owing to the recession in Taiwan during the past decade based on the historical economy data published by government.

2. TV commercials are obnoxious because it disturbs the person who is intent on watching a good show.

4. Although some people think rap music has negative image in the society, more than half editors of top ten fashion magazines indicated that rap music has significant influence on the clothing style due to its creative and original characteristics.

5. One of the senior officials of NASA indicated recently that unless people are conscious of pollution, the world will be destroyed by the year 2050 because the ozone hole has got larger and larger.

8. Although some people think the World's Fair was exciting for little children, it was a disaster actually because of the argument it claimed is just conflicting with the evidence used to support it.
